Why do we retreat?

 The secret ingredient to winning in this busy lifestyle is SELD-CAFE! How are we keeping it together ladies? How are we moving and shaking and making it appear flawless? Are we taking care of ourselves while making sure our families have all they need and building our empires at the same time? What are we doing to celebrate ourselves? More often we should take the time to focus on our needs and set personal goals for ourselves. Every successful women has to have the tenacity to get over obstacles and challenges. Every single one of us has a story and has had trials and tribulations through this journey called womanhood. Every day we should find the opportunity to invest in ourselves in some form of fashion.  Small things such as a spa day can be relaxing. Perhaps taking a mini vacay with your girlfriends can be entertaining yet renewing..For some of us yoga sessions or even exercise may be getting the job done. Nevertheless, it is essential that we are taking care of ourselves ladies. Our minds are lacking rest, Our bodies desire rejuvenation, and Our souls need restoration.  Have it your way for once because today is the day you decide to Love Yourself, Believe in Yourself, and Treat Yourself to Something Special. Come join us for our next Shades of Sarai’s Women’s Retreat!